Tom's story

"I was diagnosed over 20 years ago. For two decades, I was able to manage it, but in 2020 new symptoms came on suddenly."

Tom’s story

I had a hard time eating. It was difficult to swallow and breathe. I had double vision and felt extremely fatigued. I couldn’t make it through a shower without needing rest, and I had to take breaks on the way back from going to the bathroom.

A Marine Corps Veteran with gMG Finds a New Beginning

Tom served with the Marine Corps in Vietnam as a young man, but he faced one of the toughest battles of his life in 2020 shortly after he turned 80 and a sudden onset of gMG left him with debilitating symptoms. But in June of 2022, Tom experienced a swift transformation after starting on VYVGART.

When did you learn you had gMG?

I was diagnosed over 20 years ago. For two decades, I was able to manage it, but in 2020 new symptoms came on suddenly.

How did your life change in 2020?

I had a hard time eating. It was difficult to swallow and breathe. I had double vision and felt extremely fatigued. I couldn’t make it through a shower without needing rest, and I had to take breaks on the way back from going to the bathroom. I lost over 30 pounds over an 18-month period.

How were you feeling as this was happening?

It all made me feel like my life was coming to an end. It felt like I was stuck in a very dark room.

"After my first infusion, I felt like I was reborn!"

What was it like starting on VYVGART?

After my first infusion, I felt like I was reborn! I was finally able to leave that dark room and go out into the sun once again.

What is your life like now?

I’ve gained back 30 pounds, giving me the strength to be myself again. I love spending time with my grandkids and watching them play sports. My wife and I recently celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary, and we’re still very much in love.”